Today I started the day working on the cyclorama postcard after workingon the breif lats monday the postcard was sent to the client. The client liked the outcome of the postcard yet the postcard design was designed by the clent. From my learning last week on the implications of a very client lead brief prove very difficult to do as teh design work was all wrong in terms of ledigibility and colours that sirt against each other. Kate who deals with the client knows the client very well i understood my concerns yet the client was very strtong willed on whta they want and very percpific and so we aggreed that the design should just be completed to what the client wants. THe design outcome was the maroon cyclists background The back, after speaking with teh client about ledginbility and postoffice rules decided that they wanted teh faded background on teh back as they were going to place a sticker over the top as an address lable. I Then worked on the banner to send to the printers. the cleint agin had alreadyy designed this. After completing this I then worked on teh military museum imaes resizing tehm for print. The new brief is an exhibition at the military museum in York which gives peopel an insight in to our current war.The images where very strong and show the culture and the importance of what we should know about our war that is currently happening.
Kate and I also discussed a new brief called one which is going to move to a high class street in york next to Paulsmith and noanoa. THe brand needs to bring its brand up to line with the other high wuality brands down this street. Although looking at the brand we noticed slight inconsistencies within teh brand and massive opportunities missed within teh webite. THe client wants to work to a tight budget in a tight timescale of two months. We wehere considreding where to reposition the brand and reorgansing strap ines and what the brand says to her market. WE looked at competitors such as Toast in harrogate which are a similar brand but have alot more sophistiaction and a quality feel to them. The brands current focus is that the clothes are ethically sourced clothing and fashion. yet this focus now wants to be secondary to the focus of the high quality fashion boutique brand that she wants to portray.Kate was devising a quote and prices for a website rebrand and new photography, yet there are limitation within the budget and time scale.
I have ordered a copy of the catalogue to refer to within my interest for brochure design looking at layout and how the photography is used