About Brodsworth
At Brodsworth Hall and Gardens near Doncaster you’ll discover the story of a house and the memories of a home that evolved through the ages. Conserved as it was found in the 1980s, the Hall's interior offers a time capsule of family life, from High Victoriana to the retro additions of the mid 20th-century. You may catch yourself reminiscing over some familiar items or wondering at the more unusual ones and discover the stories of the people who lived and worked on the estate.
Explore the enchanting gardens whatever the weather or season, which have been restored to their 1860s magnificence and divided into distinctive areas, there is always something new on offer every season. See the magnificent fern dell, stunning displays of roses and immaculate lawns as well as the classical summerhouse. Children can let off steam in the new play area, with a boat and mini rocking horses reflecting the family's sporting pursuits. Families will continue to have memories of Brodsworth for generations to come.
What is my Role
Within the exhibition Kate has been asked to create the designs for the exhibition working alongside workhouse in in Elmet who have been designing and create Sherburn ing a interactive Stern with interactive games within the stern that whilst children and adults learn about the ship they look through the window at the painting in order for people to understand and look at the detail within the painting. Within the exhibition information about each piece will sit against the paintings and will help guide children through the meaning of each painting. I am currently designing these ensuring that the designs are playful yet relate to the panels that Kate has designed.
I also got feedback from Jim on the Dynamo's Logo which have developed yet the client has decided to change few things. To be evaluated next week.
I also went to Sherburn in Elemet to the Workhouse workshop where they make the elements for the exhibitions. it was interesting to see how companies use others skills and how worked is sourced out to other skills. Also understanding the project management between all the other companies and the client English Heritage. rubix
Within this me Kate and Helen where brainstorming ideas for the CMA brief. Working out what could represent the sub brands of the brand. The brands current image is currently very standard and it is hard to distinguish between the different services.
The clients currently have an idea of a cube which we are trying to en-corporate but the brand currently have ants within their brand although they are a medical consultancy brand we cannot change the brand too much.