End of Year proposal
On the wall, First panel long banner with work on it working as impact
Leading the employer onto the left board that almost has a conversation with the viewer. Which leads the eye down to my portfolio and a take away sample of work as well as business cards.
Portfolio Surgery with Joe Gilmore - Qubik
I presented my portfolio to Joe today and looked at finer details and how an employer would read the portfolio. Currently my portfolio is heavy with lots of images and need cutting down and speaking with Joe and Chris from Elmwood this is apparent. Speaking to Joe I need to sho wthe whole product rather than just detailed close ups using a pdf or a scan in and ensure that people appreciate the whole design. I also need to ensure that the layout and all finer details are consitent. I have arranged to speak to Joe next Wednesday to see the development of my portfolio and ensure that the portfolio is working to a much higher standard and showing me of as a designer. I need to consider the order best first and last.
I am looking to create a book of my work in a similar size to the hurl book. This will showcase my porfolio and will be something for the interviewer to keep.
Chris Jackson Portfolio Surgery

The portfolio surgery with Chris was very helpful getting an insight into how emploees view your work. The portfolio I presented was a portfolio of 9 projects which wsa fairly large some shots needed stripingout a condensing into a miuch more manageable portfolio. The copy at the bottom needed tightening up and to be perfect to present to perpective employers. The feedback from Chris was strong he stated that my work had developed much stronger since he last saw my work. THe portfolio surgery was very helpful for future reference I will emnsure these comments are quickly resolved and completed ready to present for jobs.
Website update
I have currently been editing my website and have took my work off line for a moment while I update my portfolio. I have made the design fresh and clean or spring and then I as I retake my photographs of my work I can update my portfolio.
Bivouac Last day
The last day at Bivouac enabled me to show me appreciation to kate of her work for the company and thank her for the experinece she had given me and the skill I had learnt throughout the months.
I completed some work for the Afghanistan exhibition that was taking place in may. I then worked on some amends for a brochure for York St, Johns. Overall the experience was useful to me and I am very grateful to the team and the their commitment to work and design. Kate gave me some funds to help me with my studies in which will come in very useful as I come towards the end of my studies. Thankyou Bivouac hop eto see you soon and see you at the end of year show.
The Consult Evaluation a dream job
Overall I really enjoyed my experience at the consult working with the team with a depth of experience. They are very passionate about what they do and take time to consider every details. They work very closely with their clients and work to show the clients focus to their best ability. In places where i have previously worked I have seen clients take over design and make designers produce work that is of a poor standard yet the consult ensure that ever piece of design is working to the best ability and gives clear message. I would love to work at the consult but I am sure the competition is very high yet I will stay in touch with the team and keep following there progress and work.
The next week at the consult w/c 5th April
Returning on the Wednesday after Bank holiday Monday and working at Bivouac in York on The Tuesday due to Kate arranging work for me to complete I was happy to be back at the consult working with team. I was given the task to create some brand guidelines for teh new brand the consult had just designed called hanimaps which later changed thier name to handi hikes due to intelletual property. The design was a simple but effective design with an avant guarde typeface in a shape as a pointer arrow found on maps. This was acontemporary feel logo but relevant to the handiness that it wanted to come across to the audience.
I developed the guidelines have a fun tone that the brand currently had. I had a range of ideas as shown in the scans but I developed the idea of the where to go what to do and what to see within the brand guidelines. The booklet was a Constantia square fold and as it folded out into each page is stated follow the trail. Within the copy of the brand guide lines it had fun references such as for the leading on the logo it said leading the way. The idea was fun testing my language skills and layout skills. It is a task that i enjoyed and is something i am going to do with in my pas architects brief.
I was then given sthe task by the marketing manager for the company Ray Mason the task to let people know how good the consult where. The consult specialism in prospectus design for higher education and have recently won a range of gold awards or their outstanding work.
I The company are inline to win the gold heist award this year and i was assigned to create an idea for a mailshot to send to clients in order to put the consult on their tender list. The message had to say around the lines that we are winner. With a small print run and a tight budget the idea has to be a simple but effective idea.
The ideas I came up with are a range as shown in the scans but i eventually went with the idea of invest in gold which goes with the language used as in invest in gold. Printed on black stock with a gold foil block.
The Consult Placement Wednesday Thursday
Leading from the earlier post I then worked on a NHS brief the brief was for the NIRC which is an NHS research center. I created designs to go around the office portraying thier brand. The brief was good for me as I had to still to brandguidelines. The brand used Frutiger typeface within copy and within the logo andthier were certain measurments wthin the log that I had to be aware of. The logos colour was red yet I did question why it was red ads it is to do with health aand this colour gives of the wrong meaning. However the red is used within the office not within hospitals.
I created a reception sign, a perpex board describing what the company do and a set of 8 boards to run across a wall that worked together as a set. I also created a vinyl print that when a across which was typography based. These designs then had to work across the office based in London.
This was then finalised and set up as a presentation and sent of to the client. With a shortened week ending on Thursady due to bank holiday weekend I arranged to come into the consult the following week. This involved me chaging around dates with Bivouac in York.
The Consult Placement Week1- Monday - Tuesday

After eventually finding the place right up the hill I arrived at the consult. I have always been a fan of the work they create and have followed their work. The work that they do is very considered and they consider their client with great detail and create work for them to their best abilities using the right methods and skills.
I wanted to learn as much as possible from the team. I stared the week steady completing amends and for spl programme. I then worked on one of their new clients websites, Klinger. The website was a redesign from their last website this website was an engineering company for nuts and bolts from airplanes and the consult brought the website up to a sophisticated website.

After completeing this I then worked on Adrian Rays new booklet to promote his work. The booklet was a difficult task as his images where an imporatnat focus to him selling his skills and you had to be careful on what the images ment and the meaning of the images changed when they sat next to other images. The brochure works very well with a simple idea. we changed the colour of teh stock for the front cover so that there was a distinct definition between book 1 and 2. Adrian work is featured within the Leeds college of art prospectus and he works for a range of local agencies such as one eighty.
I then worked on a project called built environment on a short task to create a certificate for the company. The company are working on creating a work book to train people in networking. The design created is modern and contemporary but interesting and powerful. The consult where taking time to consider using the right stocks for stationary that will give of an overall interesting outlook to the brief.
I was then given a task for the company to create the weekly planner the company where not hugely busy at the time and so I was given the task of designing a weekly planner for the company. It was a small task but i wanted to put effort in creating a functional board for the team that the y would see I then got a quote from fast point for some vinyl print to go on the white board please find below.
Notes: Hi could you give me a quote for the following, Black Vinyl that is self adhesive as it will be placed on to a white board internally. The Vinyl will be placed on to a white board space of 855mm deep and 1555mm wide with cut lettering. Please find attached a copy of the file. Thank you for your help, Regards Rhianne
Thanks for the enquiry Rhianne. The vinyl lettering for your whiteboard, supplied on backing paper spaced as your artwork, overall size 855 x 1555, would be £80 including delivery, plus VAT.
If you would like to proceed please let me have your full company details. We would require payment in advance, cheque or credit card.
Please call if you have any queries.
Please read next blog post for continuation
Bivouac 9th Week
My day today was slightly quieter with the exhibition of the military museum taking place within the next month work has undergone to create the boards and the exhibition panels. I was resizing images which display the soldiers in Afghanistan some of the images where really interesting and reflected really well the situation over there. I then worried on crating some vectors for the camouflage to go onto the panels although it was slightly not what I planned to do all day i understand this comes with part of the work experience and not every job will be as exciting. I had a good conversation about my design context and understood that what i was trying to say was confusing people and especially designers and so i need to understand the context myself properly this is what I will strongly work onto my design context and which Kate says that she will respond to my questions.
Bivouac 8th Week

Today I started the day working on the cyclorama postcard after workingon the breif lats monday the postcard was sent to the client. The client liked the outcome of the postcard yet the postcard design was designed by the clent. From my learning last week on the implications of a very client lead brief prove very difficult to do as teh design work was all wrong in terms of ledigibility and colours that sirt against each other. Kate who deals with the client knows the client very well i understood my concerns yet the client was very strtong willed on whta they want and very percpific and so we aggreed that the design should just be completed to what the client wants. THe design outcome was the maroon cyclists background The back, after speaking with teh client about ledginbility and postoffice rules decided that they wanted teh faded background on teh back as they were going to place a sticker over the top as an address lable. I Then worked on the banner to send to the printers. the cleint agin had alreadyy designed this. After completing this I then worked on teh military museum imaes resizing tehm for print. The new brief is an exhibition at the military museum in York which gives peopel an insight in to our current war.The images where very strong and show the culture and the importance of what we should know about our war that is currently happening.
Kate and I also discussed a new brief called one which is going to move to a high class street in york next to Paulsmith and noanoa. THe brand needs to bring its brand up to line with the other high wuality brands down this street. Although looking at the brand we noticed slight inconsistencies within teh brand and massive opportunities missed within teh webite. THe client wants to work to a tight budget in a tight timescale of two months. We wehere considreding where to reposition the brand and reorgansing strap ines and what the brand says to her market. WE looked at competitors such as Toast in harrogate which are a similar brand but have alot more sophistiaction and a quality feel to them. The brands current focus is that the clothes are ethically sourced clothing and fashion. yet this focus now wants to be secondary to the focus of the high quality fashion boutique brand that she wants to portray.Kate was devising a quote and prices for a website rebrand and new photography, yet there are limitation within the budget and time scale.
I have ordered a copy of the catalogue to refer to within my interest for brochure design looking at layout and how the photography is used
Bivouac 7th Week
With my extension of working at the consult and bank holiday monday I am working at bivouac just one day this week. Today I worked on a postcard for a company called cyclorama. I learnt today the difficulties of clients and how difficult it is to design and use skills that you are taught when a client have a very specific idea. The client had a very drawn out idea and knew exactly what she wanted therefore I had to make the design come alive. The design is not usually something that I would do and not something that my self and Kate agreed with although we had to come to terms that this was what the client wanted. THe postcard served no purpose and as myself and Kate discussed it is hard to design something when you know that it is going to thrown away. Mail-shots are very common for this unless they sure a very strong purpose. This has what has come from Kate's intreats to create work for exhibitions and museums as the design borads or panels are used and there existing and used by loads of people and most important appreciated. Where as thousands of flyers or poorly designed mail-shots are so oftenly found lying in the bin. This is soal destroying as a designer and is something that I would not like to get into. Although some amy say that it pays the bills I would like to not design pizza flyers or work that is ignored or not appreciated. This made me consider the importamce of my finla year and my statement of intent.
My self and Kate had ideas for other postcard designs that somebody would like to receive or keep. Showing one interesting bike and collecting the different bikes would have been more interesting than looking at the logo. This would almost make them collectable yet to to do a multiple print run would have cost more in which this was not within the budget.
Bivouac 6th Week
I enjoyed this week working on a workbook for york St johns training gateway. An adult learning system the book had to be a 32 page booklet that can be refereed to a worked in. The design had to be simple and reflect the brand york st john and the training gate way.
Bivouac Fifth Week
Monday: The Dynamo client is still sligtly unsure with the logo development he wants to make the o within the dynamo more of a pounding dynamo shape yet when this happens the way that dynamo is read differntly which affects the way inwhich the dynamo is represented. Cma deadline is today at 12pm for the idae chossen worked up into some resolutions so that the client can seehow the idea would work on printed matter. The folder and teh promotional banner used at show. The consultancy agencies went with the tesalation leaves idea and the animals idea that myself and Kate developed on. The ideas had to consider alot the brand which uses imagery of ants carrying leaves which represent 'helping' and working as a team. the client wanted a device that showed the range of services they offer yet to create something taht was totally away from thier cuirrent brand would make the brand inconsitent and so we worked on animals and leafs themes which kept the brand consistent. We uses animals that work well within a team but represent the team examples are Outcome:bees Colloboration: Flying Geese Transformation: Butterfly. The designs were worked up and sent just after dinner. I then worked on developing the broadsworth hall education packs for children as I still need to develop the design to work better with children. Although children are not my favourite audience to work with the challenge is helping my experuience and I am learnming a great deal.
Tuesday: The day started developing and completeing thebroadsworth hall deisigns also I worked on some designs for an annual report for the training gateway and adult learning organisation with over 100,00 courses I created a typographical design to show teh 100,00 courses. The brochure that tyhe client was inspired for wa the york st johns annual report with was designed by stone soup in York. (Please see design context blog). I then worked on some designs for the front cover which I tried to encorporate the flowing movement of the logo design. I also looked at the figures that were used throughout that seemed a focus throughout teh report. I also learnt some more about printers Brown in Manchester (Please ref to context blog) and how to reduce the print costs on teh year book to do sponsorship and advertsise in the year book with printers. I also lerant some more about Binding and looked at some really nice books that kate had designed. I also laernt more about the impiortance of copyrighting and to be wary of Graphic design webnsite freelance offers. Overall the figfth week was highly benifical again.
Tuesday: The day started developing and completeing thebroadsworth hall deisigns also I worked on some designs for an annual report for the training gateway and adult learning organisation with over 100,00 courses I created a typographical design to show teh 100,00 courses. The brochure that tyhe client was inspired for wa the york st johns annual report with was designed by stone soup in York. (Please see design context blog). I then worked on some designs for the front cover which I tried to encorporate the flowing movement of the logo design. I also looked at the figures that were used throughout that seemed a focus throughout teh report. I also learnt some more about printers Brown in Manchester (Please ref to context blog) and how to reduce the print costs on teh year book to do sponsorship and advertsise in the year book with printers. I also lerant some more about Binding and looked at some really nice books that kate had designed. I also laernt more about the impiortance of copyrighting and to be wary of Graphic design webnsite freelance offers. Overall the figfth week was highly benifical again.
Bivouac Fourth week

About Brodsworth
At Brodsworth Hall and Gardens near Doncaster you’ll discover the story of a house and the memories of a home that evolved through the ages. Conserved as it was found in the 1980s, the Hall's interior offers a time capsule of family life, from High Victoriana to the retro additions of the mid 20th-century. You may catch yourself reminiscing over some familiar items or wondering at the more unusual ones and discover the stories of the people who lived and worked on the estate.
Explore the enchanting gardens whatever the weather or season, which have been restored to their 1860s magnificence and divided into distinctive areas, there is always something new on offer every season. See the magnificent fern dell, stunning displays of roses and immaculate lawns as well as the classical summerhouse. Children can let off steam in the new play area, with a boat and mini rocking horses reflecting the family's sporting pursuits. Families will continue to have memories of Brodsworth for generations to come.
What is my Role
Within the exhibition Kate has been asked to create the designs for the exhibition working alongside workhouse in in Elmet who have been designing and create Sherburn ing a interactive Stern with interactive games within the stern that whilst children and adults learn about the ship they look through the window at the painting in order for people to understand and look at the detail within the painting. Within the exhibition information about each piece will sit against the paintings and will help guide children through the meaning of each painting. I am currently designing these ensuring that the designs are playful yet relate to the panels that Kate has designed.
I also got feedback from Jim on the Dynamo's Logo which have developed yet the client has decided to change few things. To be evaluated next week.
I also went to Sherburn in Elemet to the Workhouse workshop where they make the elements for the exhibitions. it was interesting to see how companies use others skills and how worked is sourced out to other skills. Also understanding the project management between all the other companies and the client English Heritage. rubix
Within this me Kate and Helen where brainstorming ideas for the CMA brief. Working out what could represent the sub brands of the brand. The brands current image is currently very standard and it is hard to distinguish between the different services.
The clients currently have an idea of a cube which we are trying to en-corporate but the brand currently have ants within their brand although they are a medical consultancy brand we cannot change the brand too much.
Third week at bivouac
The third week was about the final development and adjustments to the dynamo logo design with the client. The logo is starting to look a lot more dynamic with more movement within it now and is making progress with an italic typeface. The client liked the bright pink within the one colour logo.
Once they were developed and sent of I then worked on some exhibition laminates that are to be looked at at the Broadsworth hall exhibition about a painting of a boat. Bivoac have been working on the xhibition hard and have developed an interesting exhibition around teh importance of the ships painting which is actually very intresting about the story that the painting shows. The laminates are aimed a children which as discovered from my last module are not my favorite audience yet they it is challenge for me out of my comfort zones. I shall be visiting Broadsworth hall next Tuesday to see the development work of the exhibition.
I then went to a meeting with one of Kate's new clients called CMA who are consultancies within the medical department. They have their branding and a brand image yet they want to put their services almost into packages or boxes to make the services have more value. The idea has to be quirky and interesting yet professional. Although the challenge is to work with the logo and brand image which is a man in a suit and ants? Which will prove difficult to make an interesting outcome with an image that is distracting and confusing to the reader.
Later that day I also went to the Military museum round the corner from the studio to discuss the small exhibition that was going to take place in a few weeks time. The exhibition is based around the soldiers in Afghanistan yet the budget is very tight and Kate and Helen were trying their hardest to get the best out of the budget they have got with smaller panels and vinyl letter utilisingfully the space that they have got already.
Once they were developed and sent of I then worked on some exhibition laminates that are to be looked at at the Broadsworth hall exhibition about a painting of a boat. Bivoac have been working on the xhibition hard and have developed an interesting exhibition around teh importance of the ships painting which is actually very intresting about the story that the painting shows. The laminates are aimed a children which as discovered from my last module are not my favorite audience yet they it is challenge for me out of my comfort zones. I shall be visiting Broadsworth hall next Tuesday to see the development work of the exhibition.
I then went to a meeting with one of Kate's new clients called CMA who are consultancies within the medical department. They have their branding and a brand image yet they want to put their services almost into packages or boxes to make the services have more value. The idea has to be quirky and interesting yet professional. Although the challenge is to work with the logo and brand image which is a man in a suit and ants? Which will prove difficult to make an interesting outcome with an image that is distracting and confusing to the reader.
Later that day I also went to the Military museum round the corner from the studio to discuss the small exhibition that was going to take place in a few weeks time. The exhibition is based around the soldiers in Afghanistan yet the budget is very tight and Kate and Helen were trying their hardest to get the best out of the budget they have got with smaller panels and vinyl letter utilisingfully the space that they have got already.
Tutorial with Alec Doherty

Alec Doherty came in today from the lonely punks. He set up his own business designing and selling print and working as freelance illustrator. I am not an illustrator my self but it is good to appreciate other skills from a different perceptive. We talked about my self promo which i got some positive feedback but to make it bigger. to create more impact and we talked about going freelance and the weather or not it is worth it to make the move to London. Visiting professionals makes me realise how much I need to get my website sorted and get it promoted. The job later to day will be to install indexibit on my website.
Awards: D&AD Best New Blood 2008, Northern Design Competition - Highly Commended (Illustration & Graphic Design).
Bivouac Second week
The second day at bivouac proved a good day I was finalising the dynamo brief logo design the brief had a two day deadline which was good to stick to those guidelines. I sent of a set of 8 designs after selecting out of a range of designs. The feedback should be there when I return on Monday which I can make amends and then apply the logo to the website. This should enable me to learn more about client limitations and using other skills from other designers such as web design. I then began working on a design for a four sided a5 leaflet for a charity garden centre which I will continue working on on the following monday. The second day of the week was distributed by dissertation deadlines of which kate was flexible with me which was a great help but now dissertation is out of the way I am ready to crack on as a designer.
Bivouac First day

My first start up day at Bivouac was a good initial experience.
I was working on a logo design for a brand called dynamo
which was a sub brand for cycle for it. The brand related
between exercise on bikes general fitness and health and
was based around been dynamic.
The client wanted to show all these quality with the logo.
The client was on a tight budget on-which I will work on the
brief for a day a and a half and apply the logo to a website
which will also be designed by us.
We also had a client in from a media consultancy who wanted
to create some sub branding for their range of products. The
client meeting was a good experience for to understand client
limitations and good strong percific questions to ask the client.
I also am begining to understand running a graphic design
business and it costs how much you charge an hour and what
jobs cost more in your time working out realiistic timescales and
not just saying what you want the client to here. Kate is very
professional with her clients and I think that her client appreciate
how realistic she is and how much she cares about the clients
image they portray.
The box outcome
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